Join Bob In His Journey Through The Years
Bob’s Journey began on Monday, July 16th at 5:43 AM, World War II was raging in Europe. The Great Depression had just ended and the United States was starting to get back to normal. Rationing of products was happening in the United States.
Any News was learned by listening to the radio, we didn’t have television until I was fifteen years old, stores were not open on Sunday including Gas stations.
A loaf of bread cost $0.08, that same loaf of bread today cost $3.43. The cost of gasoline was $0.15.
My Birthplace (I believe this picture was taken in 1956)
There were good times and bad times, mostly good times. I had one brother Harold (passed away about a year ago) born on Thanksgiving Day 1941, I have two sisters Irene born on Christmas Day 1942 and Margaret born on Lincolns birthday 1944.
After High School, I joined the Air Force; after being honorably discharged with the rank of Airman 1st class (E4), I went to work for Foster Wheeler Energy Corporation building boilers for the Power Industry. I worked there for 30 years where I worked up to Welding Engineer.
After retiring from Foster Wheeler I moved to Florida where I built gas stations (five years) where I met my Late wife Faye Prisoc and then moved to Louisiana where she was originally from. I worked at Family Dollar stores in Louisiana and Texas as a Manager and associate. When I was driving delivery truck for Bumper to Bumper, was when I had the first inkling that something was wrong.
Something happened in 1959, I decided to reach out and investigate the reaches of Internet Marketing as one of the major chapters of my life. Along the way I met several wonderful people who were instrumental to my growth in the field of Internet Marketing of which Fran Klasinski of Ontario, Canada who was also instrumental in my getting involved with Traffic Exchanges as admin for Billy Jones four Traffic Exchanges (Beach ball Surf, Chief Traffic, Happy Puppy Traffic and Clickaholics) to this day Fran is my mentor.
As we stumbled together we became more proficient at what has to be done to succeed and make our business grow into something great and prosperous.