How often to write articles and where should I keep them?

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How often to write articles

how often to write articlesHow often to write articles and where should I keep
them? On the one hand I don’t want to have to submit
more than one article a day.

Posting Utility

I do however, use a posting utility that I still have
to login and submit to each site. However, there are
days when I come up with many different subjects,
different ideas, that would make great articles.
Consequently​, have created a specific directory to
keep articles organized.

Consequently I am using a free utility where I can
create articles that will be automatically posted to
my blog.

Now when it comes time to submit another article I’ll
just submit one of these posts from my blog. If you
want to ever know what utilities I use just email me
and I will tell you.

For this reason, I created several articles submitted
them right away. All things considered​, I still have
not seen any sales but I expect that when end users
read my stories that they will come to my site and
follow the links I have there to my other sites. This,
hopefully, will produce sales for me.

I read once in a famous book that in order to see
results in this world you have to be like A purple
Cow, you need to stand out from everybody else.
Therefore I consider myself to be a Purple cow. I do
things differently than most people and I will always
post what I learn and discover.

In conclusion Another great benefit of writing and
publishing articles is that I can use all the links as
reference in a special section of my resume. I am
always looking at new opportunities and if i want to
gain some work writing content I can use these links
as references.

To read more of my posts check my Blog here.

© 2020, Bob Culbertson. All rights reserved. On
republishing any parts of this post, you must supply a
link to the original post

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