Living Your Life to the Fullest

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Living Your Life to the Fullest.

“we cannot control the hand we are dealt, but we can control how we play the hand.”

Our circumstances will determine how we deal with the hand that is dealt us. Let’s look at our surroundings and the people we associate with on a daily basis.

The unfortunate reality is that often bad things happen to good people. We cannot control how our life will turn out; we can only control how we live our life. It is more about the process than the outcome.

A soldier returning from war with one or both legs missing decides to train for swimming in competition. What about those who decided to improve thier life and help others.

People tend to be proactive when dealing with life situations as they arrive.

When we loose a family member we rise up and ask for guidance.

Faith goes a long way with our healing in such matters and allows to make the best of our situation and grow to enrich the lives of those around us.

“Whatever the circumstances in which we find ourselves, there are always several ways in which we can play the hand we are dealt. The challenge is to decide how we can best play that rather than simply fold up and quit. There is no question, these are trying and challenging times. The old approaches will not work. We must learn to think outside of the box; we must learn to move outside of our comfort zone.”

As we grow and move on in our daily lives be as comfortable playing a pair of deuses as we would a royal flush.

How we think and feel about ourselves allows us to “live our lives to the fullest.”

Live your life to the fullest.

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